Go Beyond Sharing. Day 2
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Wednesday, July 24, 2019
By JeniB
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Planing your session backward will not only get you the results you desire but will elevate your experience. It will bring you joy so much longer than getting social media likes will.
I think so many decisions in life would have happier consequences if we planned our lives backward. I mean think about it. Let's take your next vacation for instance.
Have you ever returned from a vacation and felt like you needed a vacation? I know I have. Can your getaway be planned so you feel refreshed when you return? Of course, it can! Just think in reverse. How do you want to feel when you get home from Vacation? Rested? Relaxed? Rejuvenated and ready to go back to work? How would you plan your time away differently if you thought about how you wanted to feel when you returned?

The same goes for session planning. Here are some questions to ask yourself BEFORE you ever start planning what you want to wear, and what location to look for.

Once you have those questions answered you are now ready to plan your session. You have the colors, the feeling or mood you want to capture and you can start to plan what to wear from here. This is where the saying "it's the little things" really applies to the situation. Sometimes it is the little accessory, type of clothing or fun prop that can make the most impact for your images.

Communicating these thoughts and ideas with your photographer will ignite a creative spark and together you can work towards the goal of your session. You are now ready to create something truly special and unique for your family.

As a portrait photographer, I am not a planner. I quite frankly just fly by the seat of my pants each day. It's how I work and it's when I can be the most creative. However, if I know the answers to the questions above I can create on a different level. I can shoot with the end product in mind. It truly makes a monumental difference in your images.

Below are some examples from the same session that can show you the different ways emotion and mood can influence a space.

Since we are talking about Going Beyond this week and all about Wall Portraits, we thought this would be the perfect time to introduce our new Wall Portrait pricing!  

We are going WAY beyond because we are just so excited about our new catalog that will be finishing in time for the busy Fall Portrait Season.  

So!  For 48 Hours only we are offering 40% OFF ALL WALL PORTRAITS!  This is for prints only. (Mounted and Sprayed) If you have had a session with us in the past and didn't get that wall portrait you really wanted, now is the time to order one! This only applies to previous sessions and does not apply to montage or collage artwork. It's one image per print. 

To claim your 40% off click the button below the price sheet and tell us what size you are wanting and from which session (approximate date and contact info) as long as you fill out the form before Friday, July 26th at midnight you will get the discounted pricing. 


If you are just joining us and want to read day one click here.





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What to Wear Guide